9 Best Unmanaged VPS Hosting in 2024

Let’s discuss the 9 Best Unmanaged VPS Hosting in 2024

Unmanaged VPS Hosting
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have emerged as a powerful solution for website owners seeking more control, flexibility, and performance. Among the VPS options, unmanaged VPS hosting stands out for those who are technically savvy and prefer to take the reins of server management into their own hands.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of unmanaged VPS hosting, exploring its features, benefits, and the top providers in 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a business owner looking to optimize your online presence, understanding unmanaged VPS hosting is crucial.

Stay tuned as we unravel the intricacies of unmanaged VPS hosting and equip you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision for your website’s hosting needs. Let’s dive in! 🚀


What is Unmanaged VPS Hosting?

Unmanaged VPS hosting is like having your own virtual slice of the internet – a private server environment that provides the power and resources of a dedicated server without the hefty price tag. Let’s break it down:

  1. Virtualization: A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is created by partitioning a physical server into multiple virtual instances. Each VPS operates independently, with its own operating system, resources, and configuration.

  2. Managed vs. Unmanaged:

    • Managed VPS: In a managed VPS, the hosting provider takes care of server maintenance, security, updates, and troubleshooting. It’s like having a personal IT team.
    • Unmanaged VPS: Here’s where things get interesting. With unmanaged VPS hosting, you’re in charge. You get a bare-bones server, and it’s up to you to set it up, secure it, and manage it. It’s like having a blank canvas – you decide what to paint.
  3. Customization and Control:

    • Unmanaged VPS gives you unparalleled control. You can install any software, tweak configurations, and optimize performance according to your needs.
    • It’s perfect for developers, system administrators, and tech-savvy users who want full control over their server environment.
  4. Responsibilities:

    • Server Setup: You’ll need to install the operating system, web server (like Apache or Nginx), databases, and other necessary software.
    • Security: Securing your VPS is crucial. You’ll set up firewalls, manage user access, and apply security patches.
    • Monitoring: Keep an eye on resource usage, performance, and potential issues.
    • Backups: Regular backups are essential – you’re the backup captain now!
  5. Cost-Effective:

    • Unmanaged VPS hosting is often more affordable than managed options because you’re doing the heavy lifting.
    • However, it requires technical expertise. If you’re not comfortable with server administration, managed hosting might be a better fit.

In summary, unmanaged VPS hosting offers freedom, control, and cost savings. It’s the playground for tech enthusiasts and those who love to tinker under the hood. Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s explore the top unmanaged VPS hosting providers in 2024! 🛠️

A2 Hosting

1. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting stands out as a reliable choice for unmanaged VPS hosting, offering a balance of performance, affordability, and customization. Let’s explore what makes A2 Hosting a top contender:

  1. Speed and Performance:

    • A2 Hosting’s unmanaged VPS plans are up to 20 times faster thanks to their Turbo option.
    • With AMD EPYC CPUs and NVMe drives, your website will load swiftly, improving user experience and SEO rankings.
  2. Administrative Control:

    • A2 Hosting provides administrative-level root access, allowing you to configure your server environment precisely.
    • Choose your preferred operating system, install software, and optimize settings to your liking.
  3. Uptime and Reliability:

    • A2 Hosting boasts a 99.9% uptime commitment, ensuring your website stays online.
    • Their managed hardware and network infrastructure contribute to a stable hosting environment.
  4. Pricing and Plans:

    • Let’s dive into A2 Hosting’s unmanaged VPS plans:
      • Runway 1: Starting at $2.99/month (66% off from the original price of $8.99)
        • 1 GB RAM
        • 20 GB SSD storage
        • 1 core
        • 0.5 TB transfer
      • Runway 2: Priced at $7.99/month (46% off from $14.99)
        • 2 GB RAM
        • 75 GB SSD storage
        • 2 cores
        • 2 TB transfer
      • Supersonic 8: Hosted on Turbo Servers for $29.99/month (50% off from $59.99)
        • 8 GB RAM
        • 200 GB NVMe SSD storage
        • 6 cores
        • 4 TB transfer
  5. Money-Back Guarantee:

    • A2 Hosting offers a money-back guarantee, ensuring you can try their services risk-free.

Whether you’re a developer seeking performance or a business owner looking to customize your server environment, A2 Hosting’s unmanaged VPS plans provide the tools you need. Buckle up as we explore more providers in our quest for the best unmanaged VPS hosting! 🚀

2. Kamatera

Kamatera emerges as a strong contender in the unmanaged VPS hosting arena, offering a combination of affordability, flexibility, and performance. Let’s delve into what sets Kamatera apart:

  1. Free Trials and Affordability:

    • Kamatera provides a 30-day free trial, allowing you to test their infrastructure risk-free.
    • Their unmanaged VPS hosting plans start at an impressive $4.00/month for the entry-level package.
  2. Customization and Scalability:

    • With Kamatera, you can customize your server specifications to match your exact requirements.
    • Whether you need more RAM, storage, or CPU power, Kamatera allows easy scaling.
  3. Global Data Centers:

    • Kamatera boasts a global network of data centers, ensuring low-latency access for your users worldwide.
    • Choose the data center location that aligns with your target audience.
  4. Transparent Pricing:

  5. Unmetered Hosting Option:

In summary, Kamatera’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines affordability, customization, and global reach. Now, let’s explore more providers on our quest for the best unmanaged VPS hosting! 🌐

Youstable Hosting

3. YouStable

YouStable enters the unmanaged VPS hosting arena with a focus on affordability and straightforward solutions. Let’s explore what makes YouStable a contender:

  1. Cost-Effective Plans:

  2. Storage and Bandwidth:

    • YouStable provides unmetered bandwidth and SSD storage options.
    • Starting with 10GB SSD storage, you can scale up as needed.
  3. Customization and Control:

    • With YouStable, you get full root access, allowing you to configure your server environment.
    • Install your preferred operating system, software, and applications.
  4. 24/7 Customer Support:

    • YouStable offers round-the-clock customer support to assist with any technical queries or issues.
    • Their team ensures you’re never alone in managing your VPS.
  5. Uptime and Reliability:

    • YouStable strives for high uptime rates to keep your website accessible.
    • Their infrastructure is designed for stability and performance.

In summary, YouStable’s unmanaged VPS hosting caters to those seeking simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and control. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 🌟

Interserver Hosting

4. InterServer

InterServer enters the unmanaged VPS hosting arena with a compelling blend of reliability, affordability, and control. Let’s explore what makes InterServer a noteworthy choice:

  1. Budget-Friendly Plans:

  2. Flexible Resources:

    • Customize your server resources based on your needs:
      • Runway 1: 1 core, 2GB memory, 30GB SSD storage, and 2TB transfer.
      • Runway 2: 2 cores, 4GB memory, 60GB SSD storage, and 4TB transfer.
      • Supersonic 8: 8 cores, 8GB memory, 120GB NVMe SSD storage, and 8TB transfer.
  3. Root Access and Control:

    • InterServer grants you full root access, allowing you to install software, configure settings, and manage your server environment.
    • Take charge of your VPS without limitations.
  4. Managed Support (Optional):

    • When you purchase four or more slices, InterServer includes managed support.
    • Their expert team assists with server-related issues, ensuring smooth operation.
  5. Reliable Infrastructure:

    • InterServer’s hardware and network infrastructure contribute to a stable and reliable hosting environment.
    • Enjoy consistent performance and uptime.

In summary, InterServer’s unmanaged VPS hosting strikes a balance between cost-effectiveness and control. Now, let’s continue our journey through the top unmanaged VPS hosting providers! 🌐

5. Linode

Linode, a well-established player in the cloud hosting arena, offers unmanaged VPS hosting solutions that cater to developers, businesses, and tech enthusiasts alike. Let’s explore why Linode deserves a spot on our list:

  1. Predictable Pricing:

    • Linode follows a flat, no lock-in pricing model across its data centers.
    • You pay for the resources you use, making budgeting straightforward.
  2. Resource Customization:

    • Linode allows you to customize your server based on your requirements.
    • Choose from various plans, each offering a different balance of RAM, CPU, storage, and transfer.
  3. High Availability and Uptime:

    • Linode guarantees a 99.99% uptime, ensuring your website stays accessible.
    • Their optimized servers contribute to fast loading times.
  4. Global Data Centers:

    • With data centers across the globe, Linode ensures low-latency access for your users.
    • Pick the location that aligns with your audience.
  5. Transparent Plans:

    • Let’s explore Linode’s unmanaged VPS plans:
      • Nanode 1 GB: Starting at $5/month
        • 1 GB RAM
        • 25 GB SSD storage
        • 1 CPU
        • 1 TB bandwidth
      • Linode 2 GB: Priced at $12/month
        • 2 GB RAM
        • 50 GB SSD storage
        • 2 CPUs
        • 2 TB bandwidth
      • Linode 4 GB: At $24/month
        • 4 GB RAM
        • 80 GB SSD storage
        • 4 CPUs
        • 4 TB bandwidth
  6. Community and Support:

    • Linode’s active community forum and extensive documentation provide valuable resources.
    • Their support team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues.

In summary, Linode’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines reliability, customization, and global reach. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 🌐

DigitalOcean Hosting

6. DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean, a cloud infrastructure provider known for its developer-friendly approach, offers unmanaged VPS hosting that caters to a wide range of users. Let’s explore why DigitalOcean deserves a spot on our list:

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Use:

    • DigitalOcean’s user interface is intuitive and straightforward.
    • Spin up a VPS (called a Droplet) in minutes, even if you’re new to server management.
  2. Droplet Options:

    • DigitalOcean provides various Droplet types, including:
      • Standard Droplets: Balanced CPU and memory for general use.
      • CPU-Optimized Droplets: Ideal for CPU-intensive workloads.
      • Memory-Optimized Droplets: More RAM for memory-intensive applications.
      • Storage-Optimized Droplets: High storage capacity for databases and large files.
  3. Pricing and Transparency:

  4. Global Data Centers:

    • Choose from DigitalOcean’s data centers worldwide to optimize latency and performance.
    • Deploy your Droplets close to your target audience.
  5. Community and Documentation:

    • DigitalOcean’s active community provides tutorials, guides, and troubleshooting tips.
    • Their extensive documentation covers various topics related to server management.

In summary, DigitalOcean’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines simplicity, flexibility, and global reach. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 

LiquidWeb Hosting

7. Liquidweb

Liquidweb enters the unmanaged VPS hosting arena with a focus on performance, reliability, and expert support. Let’s explore why Liquidweb deserves a spot on our list:

  1. High-Performance Hardware:

    • Liquidweb’s unmanaged VPS hosting plans run on high-performance hardware, ensuring fast response times and smooth operations.
    • Their infrastructure is optimized for resource-intensive applications.
  2. Customizable Plans:

    • Choose from a range of unmanaged VPS plans based on your needs:
      • 2 GB RAM VPS: Starting at $35/month
        • 2 GB RAM
        • 40 GB SSD storage
        • 10 TB bandwidth
      • 4 GB RAM VPS: Priced at $50/month
        • 4 GB RAM
        • 100 GB SSD storage
        • 10 TB bandwidth
      • 8 GB RAM VPS: At $80/month
        • 8 GB RAM
        • 150 GB SSD storage
        • 10 TB bandwidth
  3. Expert Support:

    • Liquidweb’s Heroic Support team is available 24/7/365 to assist with any technical queries or issues.
    • Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, their experts have you covered.
  4. Security and Backups:

    • Liquidweb prioritizes security. Their infrastructure includes firewalls, DDoS protection, and regular security audits.
    • Automated daily backups ensure your data is safe.
  5. Uptime Guarantee:

    • Liquidweb guarantees a 100% uptime for their network and power.
    • Your website stays online, no matter what.

In summary, Liquidweb’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines performance, support, and reliability. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 🌟

BlueHost Hosting

8. Bluehost

Bluehost, a well-established name in the hosting industry, offers unmanaged VPS hosting solutions that strike a balance between performance and ease of use. Let’s explore why Bluehost deserves a spot on our list:

  1. Flexible Plans:

    • Bluehost’s unmanaged VPS plans cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced developers.
    • Choose from various plans based on your resource requirements.
  2. Root Access and Customization:

    • With Bluehost, you get full root access to your VPS.
    • Install your preferred operating system, configure settings, and manage your server environment.
  3. Resource Allocation:

    • Bluehost’s unmanaged VPS plans offer a variety of resources:
      • Standard: 2GB RAM, 2 cores, 120GB SSD storage, and unmetered bandwidth.
      • Enhanced: 4GB RAM, 2 cores, 165GB SSD storage, and unmetered bandwidth.
      • Ultimate: 8GB RAM, 4 cores, 240GB SSD storage, and unmetered bandwidth.
  4. Uptime and Support:

    • Bluehost guarantees a 99.9% uptime, ensuring your website stays online.
    • Their support team is available 24/7 to assist with any technical queries.
  5. Transparent Pricing:

    • Bluehost’s pricing is predictable and straightforward.
    • You pay for the resources you choose, making budgeting easy.

In summary, Bluehost’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines reliability, customization, and user-friendly features. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 


Vultr is a cloud hosting provider that offers unmanaged VPS hosting solutions, catering to both beginners and experienced users. Let’s explore why Vultr deserves a spot on our list:

  1. Affordable Pricing:

    • Vultr’s unmanaged VPS plans start at an incredibly low $2.50 per month for their Regular Performance plan.
    • Despite the budget-friendly pricing, Vultr doesn’t compromise on performance.
  2. Resource Options:

    • Choose from various plans based on your resource needs:
      • Regular Performance: Starting at $2.50/month
        • 1 Intel CPU
        • 500 MB RAM
        • 500 GB bandwidth
        • 10 GB regular SSD storage
      • High Frequency: Priced at $6/month
        • 1 Intel CPU
        • 1 GB RAM
        • 1 TB bandwidth
        • 32 GB NVMe SSD storage
      • High-Performance: At $6/month
        • 1 CPU (Intel or AMD)
        • 1 GB RAM
        • 2 TB bandwidth
        • 25 GB NVMe SSD storage
  3. Global Data Centers:

    • Vultr has data centers in various locations worldwide, ensuring low-latency access for your users.
    • Opt for the data center closest to your target audience.
  4. Scalability and Control:

    • Vultr allows easy scaling of resources as your needs evolve.
    • Enjoy full root access to configure your server environment.
  5. Documentation and Community:

    • Vultr provides extensive documentation and a helpful community forum.
    • Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find valuable resources.

In summary, Vultr’s unmanaged VPS hosting combines affordability, flexibility, and global reach. Now, let’s continue our exploration of top providers in the unmanaged VPS hosting landscape! 🌐


Let’s address some common questions related to unmanaged VPS hosting:

  1. What is VPS Hosting, and How Does It Differ from Other Hosting Options?

    • VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting provides a dedicated portion of a physical server, isolated from other users.
    • Unlike shared hosting, where resources are shared among multiple websites, VPS hosting offers more control and performance.
    • Compared to dedicated servers, VPS hosting is more cost-effective and scalable.
  2. Why Choose an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Service Over a Managed One?

    • Control: Unmanaged VPS hosting gives you full control over server configuration, software installations, and security settings.
    • Customization: You can tailor your environment to meet specific requirements.
    • Cost Savings: Unmanaged plans are often more affordable than managed ones.
  3. Benefits of Using an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Service?

    • Flexibility: Customize your server environment to suit your needs.
    • Performance: Unmanaged VPS hosting typically offers better performance due to dedicated resources.
    • Learning Opportunity: Managing your server enhances your technical skills.
  4. Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Provider?

    • Reliability: Look for providers with high uptime guarantees.
    • Support: Consider the availability of technical support or community resources.
    • Scalability: Ensure easy resource scaling as your website grows.
  5. Which Unmanaged VPS Hosting Provider Offers the Best Performance and Reliability?

    • Evaluate providers based on their infrastructure, uptime, and customer reviews.
  6. Which Provider Offers the Best Pricing and Cost Savings?

    • Compare pricing models and resource allocations.
    • Consider long-term costs and any hidden fees.
  7. What Are the Support Options Available with an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Service?

    • Unmanaged plans typically offer limited support.
    • Rely on community forums, documentation, and self-help resources.
  8. How Easy Is It to Scale an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Solution as My Website Grows?

    • Check if the provider allows seamless resource upgrades.
    • Plan for scalability from the start.
  9. Can I Host Multiple Websites on an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Plan?

    • Yes, you can host multiple websites on a single VPS.
    • Configure virtual hosts to manage different domains.
  10. Is an Unmanaged VPS Hosting Service Suitable for Both Small Businesses and Large Enterprises?

    • Yes, unmanaged VPS hosting can serve both small-scale projects and enterprise-level applications.

Now that we’ve covered the FAQs, let’s continue our exploration of top unmanaged VPS hosting providers! 🌐


In the dynamic world of web hosting, unmanaged VPS hosting emerges as a powerful solution for those seeking control, customization, and performance. As we wrap up our exploration, let’s recap the key takeaways:

  1. Unmanaged VPS Hosting: Unmanaged VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting provides a private server environment with dedicated resources, allowing users to configure and manage their servers independently.

  2. Benefits:

    • Control: Unmanaged plans offer unparalleled control over server settings, software installations, and security.
    • Customization: Tailor your environment to meet specific requirements.
    • Cost Savings: Unmanaged VPS hosting is often more affordable than managed options.
  3. Top Providers:

    • A2 Hosting: A balance of speed, performance, and affordability.
    • Kamatera: Scalability, global reach, and free trials.
    • YouStable: Budget-friendly plans with root access.
    • InterServer: Reliable hardware and transparent pricing.
    • Linode: Simplicity, customization, and global data centers.
    • DigitalOcean: Ease of use, scalability, and community support.
    • Liquidweb: High-performance hardware and expert support.
    • Bluehost: User-friendly features and resource options.
    • Vultr: Affordability, flexibility, and global presence.
  4. Choose Wisely: Consider your technical expertise, website requirements, and growth potential when selecting an unmanaged VPS hosting provider.

In your journey toward hosting excellence, remember that unmanaged VPS hosting empowers you to shape your digital presence. Whether you’re a developer, business owner, or tech enthusiast, embrace the freedom and control that unmanaged VPS hosting offers. 🚀

Now, go forth and build your virtual empire! 🌐

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